
Find a way to move that you enjoy

Find a way to move that you enjoy

Exercise as a replacement to dieting is rarely enjoyable. Dietitian, Cara Harbstreet recommends finding a physical activity you actually consider fun. That way, you’re more likely to make it a part of your daily or weekly routine. “Exercise doesn’t have to be slogging away on a treadmill or sweating it out in a class,” says Harbstreet. “Get outdoors or try something new to discover what feels good for your body.”

Don’t restrict the food you love

Don’t restrict the food you love

For a happier relationship with food, avoid categorising anything as ‘bad,’ says nutrition coach, Ivana Chapman. “It’s tempting to fall into the latest diet craze by banning gluten, carbs, sugar or processed foods, but it’s not necessary to do that in order to stay slim,” she says. “Restricting certain foods, especially those that you love, just makes you more obsessed with them and more likely to overeat when your willpower gives in.”

Avoid diet labels

Avoid diet labels

While it may sound good in theory, products advertised as ‘diet-friendly’ can set the brain up for wanting more sugar, leading to potential weight gain. And that’s not all, says dietitian Ashley Reaver. “These products are usually processed gimmicks, filled with chemicals, and don’t satisfy our hunger or cravings,” she says. “This can lead to us eating more later in the day because we made a ‘good’ choice earlier, but it didn’t satisfy us. If you have a craving for a treat, just have the real thing in a smaller portion.”

Eat intuitively

Eat intuitively

In the end, it’s all about trusting your own body, says dietitian, Jordan Mazur. “Intuitive eating is about becoming in tune with your body’s natural hunger signals,” he says. “Try asking yourself, ‘Am I really hungry enough to eat this apple?’ If the answer is ‘yes,’ then eat it. If the answer is ‘no,’ then don’t.”

This article first appeared on Reader’s Digest.