
Craving potato chips?

Craving potato chips?

Potato chips and their hot cousin, French fries, are two of the most commonly reported food cravings, but downing bags of the fatty junk foods may be a signal you’re low on healthy fats, says Leahy. Of particular interest are omega-3s. Our bodies don’t manufacture those fatty acids, so to get our daily requirement we have to eat it in foods like salmon and other fatty fish, avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

Another possibility, according to Bressack, is that cravings for foods made from potatoes and other starches that grow in the ground might suggest that it really is time to take a breather from all your activity. “Root veggies are grounding and can help you feel calmer,” she says.

Craving water?

Craving water?

If you’re super thirsty, it’s very possible you’re just dehydrated and your body is telling you to pick up the slack with your water bottle. But if you’re always craving the wet stuff, it could signal a deeper issue like diabetes. Excessive thirst and urination are one of the earliest warning signs that your insulin levels aren’t as they should be, according to Diabetes Australia. Extra glucose builds up in your blood, making your kidneys go into overtime to process all of it. When they can’t keep up, it gets excreted through your urine which in turn makes you thirsty again.

Craving pretzels?

Craving pretzels?

Pretzels definitely satisfy the need for a crunchy snack, but you may specifically have this craving for a salty snack if you’re in need of water. Yes, it seems counterintuitive – but if you’re dehydrated, your body will crave salt. Think of this as a backwards way for your body to get you to drink more H2O.

Salt cravings can also be a sign of can be a sign of Addison’s disease or Bartter’s syndrome,  especially if the cravings come with other symptoms like exhaustion, weight loss, and skin discoloration. If you’re worried that cravings are getting the best of you, take note of these foods that can actually make you hungrier.

Craving popcorn?

Craving popcorn?

The body needs both sodium and glucose to function properly – two nutrients that are quickly depleted when you exercise, especially if you sweat a lot. So if you’re craving any salty-sweet treat, it may be your body telling you it needs to physically recover and replenish its stores, Leahy says. (This is part of why most workout recovery drinks contain both sugar and salt.)

Craving… anything?

Craving… anything?

An intense craving for any food (but usually treats) is often mistaken as hunger when it may mean you’re dehydrated. But be aware: Thirst is actually the last resort signal for dehydration. “We often misinterpret the signals our body is giving us,” explains Leahy. “As a society, we are chronically dehydrated. The next time you reach for something sweet or salty, try quelling the craving with a tall glass of water. You may be surprised at the result.”

This article first appeared on Reader’s Digest.