
With over 270,000 subscribers to our newsletters and growing, WYZA is the destination for 50+ Australians. We work hard every week to bring you the best across lifestyle, travel, health, entertainment, recipes, money and so much more. 

We rely on advertiser partnerships to keep us funded, and keep you informed and entertained. This funding takes a number of forms, including display banner advertising and sponsored posts.

Sponsored posts are articles that feature on the WYZA site that have been supplied and/or funded by a commercial partner. Sometimes they are written by the partner, but most often they're written in-house by a WYZA writer. Regardless, all articles – sponsored or not – are put up against the same set of editorial standards that WYZA holds as critical. 

We'll always let you know when a post is sponsored with the 'Sponsored Post' alert at the foot of the article, as well as stating the partnership clearly in the author byline across the top.

If you have any feedback on sponsored posts, or the WYZA site in general, get in touch with us at:

Thanks for reading!

The WYZA team