
Sometimes it takes a life-threatening experience to make real changes – and to find the perfect business idea.

That was the case for Greg and Jo Bridgman, who developed their product, the HeartHero® Aspirin Capsule in response to their personal experience. Greg was a fit, 50-something when he began experiencing shortness of breath when climbing stairs, along with a few weird feelings around his heart and chest area.

And, like many men of a certain age, he ignored the symptoms, just complaining to his wife. Luckily, wife Jo got sick of the complaints and made a doctor’s appointment for Greg. Within a week of visiting a cardiologist, Greg was in St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney having stents – it seems he was a walking time bomb.

It was a life-changing event and sent Greg on a quest. After recovery, he spoke to many experts about heart disease, its causes and symptoms. One discussion led to the question, “what should you do if you are having a heart attack?” And the expert said to call 000 and immediately chew an Aspirin.

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The HeartHero® capsule is compact and could save your life, or that of another

All news to Greg and, he suspected, most Australians.

And so, the idea of the HeartHero® Aspirin Capsule was born. A simple airtight capsule that can be easily clipped onto your keys or handbag, it allows you to always have an emergency aspirin at hand.

Such a simple idea – and so powerful. And, of course, it might not be you that has a heart attack. The life you save may not be your own. It could be that of your partner, your golfing buddy, your parents, or even the person next to you at the bus top.

Check out our special deal for WYZA members and you can have your own HeartHero on call – and in your pocket. 

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