
We often don’t want to admit that there could be a problem with our hearing, and even if we do, many people fear the stigma that they think comes with having hearing loss and wearing a hearing aid.

However, attending to your hearing loss by taking the simple step of getting your hearing checked can transform your life for the better and help restore the active social life you once had.

What’s involved in a hearing test?
A hearing test only takes roughly 20 minutes to an hour. Audiologist and clinician at leading provider ihear Toowoomba, Marguerite Dunstan, says the ihear test is simple and has three parts.

For the first part you simply listen and respond to a number of beeps. In the second part you repeat back a series of words to the clinician. This test helps the clinician determine how well you are hearing the clarity of speech and words being spoken to you.

In the third part of the test, the audiologist will print out a graph called an audiogram that tells them the extent of your hearing loss.

They will then discuss with you whether you need to follow up with an ear, nose and throat specialist or doctor to have a better look at the anatomy of your ear, and whether you need to get a hearing aid.

Why you shouldn’t worry about being judged
The testing process is carried out with the utmost professionalism by trained experts, says Dunstan. “There is absolutely no judgement. Audiologists will assess your situation by asking you questions about your health and then they will adapt what they learn about your hearing loss to your specific life requirements to help find a solution to your hearing loss,” she says. 

Will wearing a hearing aid be difficult?
It may take some adjusting to, but in the long run you will be much better off. Hearing aids allow people with hearing loss to hear better and therefore communicate better. Quite often audiologists see their patient’s confidence and self-esteem shoot up as they feel as if a weight is lifted off their shoulders. They usually find they can once again interact effectively with family, friends and colleagues.

“Getting a hearing aid can even have a positive financial impact on the family if that person is able to work again,” says Dunstan.

The good news about hearing aids
The image of a big unwieldy, whistling hearing aid is now a thing of the past, says Dunstan. Modern hearing aids are discreet in size, have advanced technologies inside them that filter out sound so they don’t whistle and they can even be personalised to fit the shape of your ear. There are even different colours available for the fashion conscious. There is really no reason to fear what having a hearing aid might do to your social life.

How might you know you need a hearing test?
It’s not always easy to know when you need a test. “The average time it takes someone with hearing loss to get checked is usually six years,” Dunstan says. If you often think people are mumbling, have difficulty hearing when there is background noise, or if a loved one has trouble getting a message across to you, these are all signs you may need a hearing test.

Why should you act sooner rather than later?
Audiologists are now recommending people have hearing tests in their 50s and 60s as well as in their 70s. The reason for this is that the brain is more changeable in your 50s and 60s than later on and is a lot more accepting of the hearing aid. “It also means health-related issues associated with hearing loss such as memory loss and depression can be treated earlier on – so don’t wait, get your hearing checked today,” advises Dunstan.

To begin your transformation, visit and book a free hearing check today.

Have you experienced issues with your hearing?

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