
Sodium can be sneaky

Sodium can be sneaky

It’s not too surprising that the average Australian eats double the amount of sodium they should considering the many sneaky sources of sodium. And more than half of the sodium people eat comes from food bought in stores, according to the Department of Health. Double-check the labels on these foods that can be surprising sources of sodium.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese with fruit is an old lunchtime favourite, packed with protein and calcium. But if you’re aiming to lower your sodium, you might want to skip these creamy curds, as they’re actually high in sodium. Even low-fat cottage cheese can have about 400 mg of sodium per half-cup. For a tasty substitute, try Greek yoghurt, instead. You’ll get more protein, calcium, and as a bonus, some good-for-your-gut probiotics. Most plain Greek yoghurts weigh in at around 70 mg of sodium per half-cup.

Instant porrodge

Instant porrodge

Instant oatmeal is a popular option for the morning rush, especially in winter. Just add hot water and you have a warm and nutritious bowl of goodness, right? Not necessarily, says dietitian, Paul Salter. “Spend an extra couple of minutes each morning with a serving of old-fashioned oats rather than relying on instant oatmeal,” Salter says. Instant porridge can have as much as 200 mg per serving compared to plain oats, which can contain 0 mg of sodium. If plain porridge sounds blah, try topping it with berries, Greek yoghurt, and cinnamon.

Sports drinks

Sports drinks

Even after a heavy-duty sweat session at the gym, you probably don’t need a sports drink to replace your sodium stores. “Those beverages are created for athletes training at a high level for an extended period,” says dietitian and personal trainer, Alysha Coughler. Water, coconut water, or maple water will quench your thirst and keep you within your daily sodium budget.

Veggie burgers

Veggie burgers

A vegetarian or vegan diet is known for being exceptionally healthy, so you may be shocked to learn that a veggie burger could be high in sodium. “Many meat substitutes are as high, or higher in salt than the regular stuff, to improve the flavour and texture,” Coughler says.

Biscuits and cookies

Biscuits and cookies

When satisfying a sweet tooth, you’re probably more worried about sugar than salt. “But just because a product is sweet doesn’t mean it’s not high in sodium,” Coughler says. Besides the packaged baked goods we may toss in our shopping cart, Coughler cautions us to watch for sneaky high-sodium sources, such as ‘healthy’ versions of biscuits, cookies and brownies.


Canned veggies

Canned veggies

When canned goods are on sale at your supermarket, it’s tempting to stock up on the veggies and beans, but that may not be the best strategy – they’re actually high in sodium. “Buying these items fresh or frozen without added salt is a better option,” says dietitian, Ashvini Mashru. “But if you want to stick to cans, look for ‘no salt added’ or ‘reduced-sodium’ varieties.” If full-salt is your only option, drain and rinse the veggies or beans thoroughly with cold water before eating or cooking them.



We cube it, slice it, shred it, melt it, and sprinkle it on a variety of foods because, well, what’s not to love about cheese? Short answer: salt, one of its basic ingredients. It keeps bacteria in check, controls moisture, acts as a preservative, and improves the texture and taste. Some varieties are saltier than others. For example, a 28-gram serving of feta has about 320 mg of sodium, whereas blue cheese has about 325 mg per 28 grams, and pasteurised processed cheese has a whopping 420 mg per 28 grams. You can certainly opt for lower-sodium cheese (such as Swiss, goat, ricotta, and fresh mozzarella) or look for soft cheeses, which generally have lower sodium than hard cheeses. When you cook with cheese, spare the salt shaker, because cheese is a salty enough ingredient on its own.

Deli meat

Deli meat

Deli meat may be a sandwich staple but it’s a veritable salt bomb. “Despite being a convenient source of protein, deli meat can rack up to 700 mg of sodium per serving,” Coughler says. Seek out lower-salt alternatives or, better yet, use leftover roasted chicken, canned tuna, or boiled eggs for your sandwich. You could also use less meat and make up the difference in veggies for a fibre-filling lunch that will see you through till dinner.



Most fans of breakfast cereal know to be concerned about sugar content, especially if they have kids. “Little do we realise how much salt is lurking in seemingly healthy cereal options,” Coughler says. We’re often misled by terms like ‘natural,’ ‘whole grains,’ or ‘fibre-rich’ so we neglect to check the label for sodium.