
Crunch an apple

Crunch an apple

One study found that eating an apple before lunch can cut how much you ultimately eat by 15 per cent, thanks to its filling fibre preventing you from overeating. Another fibre-rich fruit, like pears or berries, should work as well.

Chew gum

Chew gum

Yep, gum can be good for you! One study found that that chewing gum for at least 45 minutes can reduce appetite, increase fullness, and make you feel less hungry for snacks. Next time a craving strikes, whip out a stick of gum instead and see if it passes.

Snack consistently

Snack consistently

Make your snacking routine more mindful by designating a particular bowl as your ‘snack bowl.’ Make it small, and use it for whatever you’re munching on. This will help you get used to eating the same amount of food.

Get smart about leftovers

Get smart about leftovers

One of the worst times for mindless eating is right after dinner – because it becomes part of the clean-up ritual. (You tell yourself, “If I take one more bite of this garlic bread, I don’t have to put it in container or throw it away.”) Downsize your cooking so you’re less tempted to pick at leftovers, or commit to packing up leftovers right away.

Use your slow cooker

Use your slow cooker

Another common time for mindless eating happens during the witching hour between work and dinner, when you’re tired and hungry and need to eat before your meal is ready. Use a slow cooker to have a healthy meal waiting for you and you’ll be less likely to graze on unhealthy or excess fare.

This article first appeared on Reader’s Digest.