
While technical difficulties are usually painful and awkward to watch on live shows, on The Project, it can leave you in stitches.

During Tuesday’s episode, Peter Helliar did what he’s known best for – make people laugh.

In a segment about Scott Morrison’s recent curry dinner, Peter attempted one of his usual throws to a funny clip.

“The PM was accused of staging a curry cook-up after he posted this photo of the ingredients he used to whip up a massaman curry,” said Carrie Bickmore.

“But people said there was no way the final dish used all of those ingredients, highlighting a lack of potatoes. A top chef weighed in saying perhaps the potatoes disintegrated.”

“I mean it looks delicious, whoever made it,” said Carrie.

“I think Michaelia Cash planted the idea quite a while ago actually,” said Pete, waiting for a clip to roll. When it didn’t come, he insisted: “She did!”

“I believe you! I believe you, yes!” laughed Carrie Bickmore awkwardly.

“It works better when you play the clip!” insisted Waleed Aly, the clip still not playing.

After the clip finally played, Carrie moved onto the next segment, however couldn’t finish her sentence because Pete was still laughing.

“It’s all right, Pete. It’s all right, mate! Sometimes things don’t roll when you mean them to roll, it’s OK!” laughed Carrie.

“Sometimes you need to go home after the show and have a shower, you know, that’s just how it is!” said Kate Langbroek as Pete Helliar walked off the set.

This article originally appeared on Over60.