
Host of The Project Lisa Wilkinson has called out Prime Minister Scott Morrison for his handling of the Covid pandemic.

In an open letter to ScoMo on Twitter, Lisa wrote, “Dear PM, You told us to lockdown. We did. Told us to vaccinate. We did. Told us to get out there. We did.”

“Now, businesses everywhere are closing, your ‘free market’ on RAT tests sees obscene price gouging, the vulnerable exposed & kids can’t get vax appt’s. What now?”

Lisa’s remarks were prompted by the move towards using more rapid antigen tests to take the pressure off PCR testing clinics around Australia.

Despite the shift, many have been left struggling to get their hands on a RAT test, with some retailers marking the prices up to an extortionate level, and the Prime Minister refusing to make the tests free.

“We’re now in a stage of the pandemic where you can’t just go around making everything free,” he told the Seven Network on Monday.

“When someone tells you they want to make something free, someone’s always going to pay for it, and it’s going to be you.”

Lisa’s tweet was filled with people agreeing with her stance, but many were shocked when radio host Smallzy responded to Lisa saying, “Dear Lisa. No one asked you.”

One fan jumped to Lisa’s defence, replying to Smallzy, ““She is asking a question. Your comment is embarrassing to whatever side you are on.”

“She’s doing her job and holding people accountable particularly when leaders are meant to lead, and not confuse. I for one fully support Lisa in her stance against the PM and the dogs breakfast we’re all trying to figure out,” another person said.

Image credits: Getty Images / Instagram @lisa_wilkinson

This article first appeared on OverSixty.