
Footage has emerged of the moment a wedding reception in Sydney’s north shore descended into chaos, as guests became involved in a brazen fight.

The video, which was uploaded to Reddit, shows dressed-up guests throwing punches in the affluent suburb of Mosman on Saturday night.

A spokeswoman for NSW Police spoke to and said officers were called after reports were made of 30 guests becoming involved in a fight.

“This is after a wedding. Not sure the context but the groomsmen and guests were fighting among themselves,” the person behind the camera said.

In the now viral video, guests have taken off their suit jackets as four women and four men fought on the busy road, halting traffic.

One male guest is seen throwing a woman to the ground before running after another guest.

A separate fight, directly adjacent on the open highway side of the intersection, involved at least another dozen revellers.

One man is seen on the ground in front of a stopped white car, prompting three others to rush over to check on him.

Another man is captured on video with no shirt, and is seen grabbing someone from behind and hitting their head on the asphalt.

Meanwhile, another man – who appears to not be a guest at the function or involved in the fight – attempts to direct traffic around the brawl.

The police spokeswoman said that when police arrived, most of the guests had left the scene and “those remaining were reluctant to make a complaint”.

“Following further inquiries, police last night [Sunday, February 20] spoke with a 26-year-old man who told police he’d suffered a broken nose as well as injuries to his face and ribs after being knocked unconscious during the affray,” she said.

“Inquiries are continuing to identify those involved.”

Users on Reddit were shocked by the footage, with one person commenting he that they work “at the Yacht Club next door” and “probably served those people drinks before the wedding”.

Crime Stoppers have urged anyone who has any information about the incident to come forward.

Image credits: Reddit

This article first appeared on OverSixty.