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The way you walk
The way you walk

Body language expert Patti Wood tells Men’s Health that your stroll reveals your personality. If your weight is usually forward and your stride is quick, you are extremely productive and highly logical. People admire you for that, but you may come off a bit cold and competitive. If you walk with your chest forward, shoulders back, and your head held high (common in a lot of politicians and celebrities), you are fun, charismatic and socially adept, though you may tend to hog the spotlight.

If your weight is over your legs, not forward or back, you’re more interested in people than in tasks, and more focused on your personal life than your career. You’re great when part of a group, but tend to get distracted. Lastly, if you’re light on your toes when you walk and your eyes are glued to the floor, you’re most likely introverted and polite. A study published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence suggests that jail inmates with psychopathic tendencies were able to judge vulnerability and pick potential victims simply by viewing the way people walk; you might want to adopt some of those more assertive styles.