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Avoid food and drinks that make you sweat
Avoid food and drinks that make you sweat

While a frosty beer or chilled glass of rosé might seem like a perfect drink for a hot summer day, neither is the best choice for people prone to sweating. “Alcohol is a common trigger of heavy sweating,” explains Dr Dhingra, advising the avoidance of both alcohol and caffeine (which can also stimulate sweating), and recommending drinks with electrolytes, instead.

Spicy foods are another category to avoid. “Alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods are the trinity of sweat-inducing foods to minimise if you sweat heavily,” says Dr Dhingra. “Alcohol and caffeine stimulate adrenaline production which will quite quickly amplify your sweat production; this is definitely most pronounced for those diagnosed with hyperhidrosis,” otherwise known as excessive sweating.

Dr Ginsberg doesn’t worry as much about food – with certain exceptions. “Diet does not tend to have a significant impact on sweating, except in the case of gustatory sweating: the small drops of sweat on the forehead, nose, and lip after eating hot, spicy food,” explains Dr Ginsberg.