Myth: Your “dream job” will make you happier at work than you currently are
Myth: Your “dream job” will make you happier at work than you currently are

Science says: You adapt to all new experiences, and so any joy from a new work environment will likely fade with time. If you’ve gained responsibility, your expectations and aspirations will increase too, which can detract from happiness. One classic study tracked job satisfaction before and after a voluntary job change among high-level managers whose average salary was $135,000. Researchers found that managers experienced a burst of happiness right after the new job, but within a year, satisfaction plummeted to their pre-move levels.

Boost your bliss: To avoid taking a new job for granted, Lyubomirsky advises “re-experiencing” what it was you didn’t like about your previous work. If you used to make a lot less money, spend one week a month living on your old salary. If you worked nights, periodically make yourself stay at work late. Mentally transporting yourself to where you didn’t want to be will help you find more happiness in your current role.