Lower your risk for heart disease
Lower your risk for heart disease

This quintessential side dish is so much more than an excuse to eat more bacon. Brussels sprouts are loaded with healthy nutrients like vitamin C. Studies have linked a diet rich in vitamin C from fruits and vegetables to a lower risk for chronic cardiovascular disease.

Packed with antioxidants
Packed with antioxidants

Brussels sprouts are rich in antioxidants, compounds that contribute to healthier cells and a lower risk of cancer. Try chopping fresh Brussels sprouts for a salad or roasting them with garlic and a savoury mustard sauce for an easy and delicious weeknight side dish.

Provide plant-based protein
Provide plant-based protein

One cup of Brussels sprouts provides 4 grams of healthy, plant-based protein. This is especially helpful if you follow a vegan or vegetarian meal plan and need more sources of natural protein in your diet. Try roasting Brussels sprouts in olive oil or adding interesting flavours like pomegranate and hazelnut.

Strengthen your bones
Strengthen your bones

Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin K, which may improve your bone strength and prevent injuries. A 2017 study found that eating a diet rich in vitamin K everyday was associated with a lower risk of fractures.

Improve gut health
Improve gut health

These tasty little veggies are packed with fibre, which can improve your gut health in several different ways. From preventing constipation to lowering your risk of colorectal cancer, a diet rich in fibre is essential for a healthy gut and body.

Reduce inflammation
Reduce inflammation

Eating a well-balanced diet full of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts can reduce unwanted inflammation in your body. Over time, inflammation can lead to chronic disease, so giving your cells a hit of healthy veggies, like a roasted green vegetable medley, can help protect them.

Help prevent birth defects
Help prevent birth defects

If you’re planning on growing your family, it’s time to add some Brussels sprouts recipes to your diet. Brussels sprouts are a natural source of folate, an essential nutrient for preventing certain birth defects. In addition to taking prenatal vitamins, eating foods with folate can help to prevent defects in your baby’s brain and spine.

Support eye health
Support eye health

Like carrots and sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts are rich in carotenoids, nutrients that can be converted to vitamin A in your body. Eating foods with carotenoids is associated with improved eye health and preventing eye damage caused by blue light (looking at your phone screen.)

Control diabetes
Control diabetes

Lower your risk for diabetes when you start cooking with cruciferous vegetables every day. A 2016 study found that people who regularly eat those crunchy veggies have a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Make skin glow
Make skin glow

Say buh-bye to tired, dull-looking skin when you start adding Brussels sprouts into your diet. Because it’s full of vitamin C, this yummy veggie contributes to collagen production, keeping your skin firm and glowing.

Supply healthy fats
Supply healthy fats

If you’re not a fish fan, you may have a challenging time getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Fortunately, Brussels sprouts are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is converted to omega-3’s in your body. These nutrients have been proven to improve cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and prevent heart disease.

This article originally appeared on Reader’s Digest.