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Your mood will eventually improve
Your mood will eventually improve

Eating fewer processed food leads to a better mood. The digestive tract generally absorbs heavily processed, refined carbohydrates and sugary foods rapidly post-meal, Malkani says. So it’s common to experience spikes and dips in blood sugar if you don’t also eat fibre or a balance of other nutrients to help slow the rate of absorption, according to Malkani. Skipping out on these other nutrients causes poor energy levels and irritability. There’s also a link between dopamine, serotonin and processed sugar that shows fewer processed foods in your diet could be better for your mood, too, says dietitian Carol Aguirre. “High fructose corn syrup, sugar and artificial ingredients stimulate the release of a mood-boosting neurotransmitter called serotonin,” she says. “This wouldn’t be so bad if your brain’s serotonin stores weren’t in limited supply; constantly depleting serotonin levels can mimic depression symptoms.”