Super salty foods
Super salty foods

A little bit (a tiny little bit) is good for you. However, says Dr Keith-Thomas Ayoob, who specialises in obesity, child nutrition and family dynamics, it’s important to enjoy salt in moderation, since it can have a negative impact on your body, particularly on your skin. After eating a dinner that’s high in sodium, you’ll likely wake up the next morning looking puffy-faced and even a tad swollen, he explains, since having an overdose of salt causes you to retain water. That’s why he recommends steering clear of too much salt the evening before or the morning of a big presentation at work, an important date, or any other time you want to look and feel your absolute best. If you eat too much, whether at a restaurant or in the dinner your mother-in-law cooked, drink lots of water to undo the damage the following morning. “By the afternoon, you may notice you’re urinating out a lot of that retained water,” he says.