You might have better heart health
You might have better heart health

A 2017 review in Circulation suggests that the ethanol and polyphenols in wine can together help protect against chronic cardiovascular diseases, mostly heart disease. And the antioxidant resveratrol might help with the heart-boosting benefits of a nightly glass of wine – especially red varietals. The tannins contained in red wine, procyanidins, are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, according to a report published in the Canadian Journal of Clinical Nutrition. “The antioxidants in wine increase heart-healthy HDL cholesterol as well as keeping the immune system strong,” says Dr Kristine Arthur. “HDL helps to prevent ‘bad’ plaque build-up in the arteries, which can also help prevent heart attacks and strokes.”

But moderation is key. “Chronic and excessive alcohol intake is associated with weakening of the heart, medically termed as cardiomyopathy and heart failure, says Dr Adrienne Youdim.