Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go

Security risk through online gaming is a whole different can of worms. But Pokémon Go is one gaming app you definitely shouldn’t have on your (or your child’s) phone. This app was insanely popular when it was first released in 2016 with accounts from millions of players all over the world. However, the app has serious security flaws that just don’t seem to make it worth the risk.

“Pokémon Go was given a security rating of 7 because of its ability to access contacts, camera and even the user’s location without permission,” Borch says. Fuentes agrees, also noting that there have been several security breaches on the app. What’s especially risky is that although its ‘15 minutes of fame’ seems to be over, millions of kids are still playing the game, with 2019 being the most lucrative year the app has seen thus far. This is one game where you’ll lose more than you can win.