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We’re all ears
We’re all ears

There are some cute dog breeds out there, and by “some,” we mean “all.” That goes double for the dogs with big ears. There’s just something about their disproportionate features that make them all the more adorable. So we rounded up some of our favourite breeds and asked dog expert Jamie Ruden, founder of the website Dog Spotted, to point out key personality traits.

But before we dive in, let’s answer the question you’ve no doubt been wondering: Why do these dogs have big ears? “Dogs with long floppy ears are able to capture additional particles of a scent, which may otherwise have gone unnoticed, making them great hunting dogs, as the scent travels to their spectacular noses,” Ruden explains. “The dogs with ears that are pointy [whether big or small] have the best hearing. They have less fur and ear flaps obstructing sounds.”