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They snarl or growl when you get too close to their possessions
They snarl or growl when you get too close to their possessions

Ever reach down to throw a toy your dog loves only to have him snarl at you in return? Or get too close to his food and get a similarly scary reaction? That’s a behaviour called resource guarding, and it occurs when your dog believes he’s protecting something highly valuable, says veterinarian, Dr Alett Mekler.

Unfortunately, this behaviour could escalate if you inadvertently teach your dog that when he wants something, he can get it by showing his teeth. According to Dr Mekler, this behaviour definitely warrants a session with an obedience trainer, who can teach a command like “leave it,” then offer a reward when your dog listens. “When the cue is given, the dog knows it is worth giving up the resource because a jackpot bonus is on its way,” she says.